About Philadelphia Christian Academy


The Mission of Philadelphia Christian Academy is to expand the Kingdom of God by raising up Godly seed and teaching educational excellence through a biblical world view that will transform our world for generations to come.

Message from Pastor Omar Thibeaux

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6


     At PCA we are committed to training up our children and not letting our children train us. So many secular institutions are allowing children to set the tone for their educational experience. This practice is not at all biblical. It is our job to train the next generation, and we are to train them not in the way that they ‘want’ to go, but in the way that they ‘should’ go.


     Every child should know their Creator. Every child should know the Holy Scriptures. Every child should be saved and know their purpose. Every child should be excellent and in an environment that summons all of their God given potential. Every child should leave school better than when they came and not worse.


     If we fulfill our obligation to train the next generation, the word of God asserts that a time may come in their lives when they temporarily stumble off the beaten path, but ultimately they will return to the Biblical and Educational excellence that has been instilled in them, and just like the prodigal, when they return, they will never again depart from it.


Pastor Omar Thibeaux


Our Superintendent - Mrs. Thibeaux, MS, LPC

What does it mean to have a Christian Education? Christian education means that Christ is central to education. Consequently, our educational theory, methods, and practice are centered upon Christ and His infallible word. Jesus Christ is the cornerstone to Christian Education. All of our views are through the lenses of Christ, His Cross, and His Word. Because there is only one God and one Christ, there is only one truth. This truth is the heart and criterion of Christian education. While the Bible is not used as the textbook in every subject, it is the foundational handbook for every course and the standard for teaching. As the basis for all learning, Scripture is the only infallible rule for faith and practice, for grammar and literature, for mathematics and science, for health and physical education, for geography and history, and for social studies and the arts. Our Goal “As superintendent of PCA I want to personally thank you for allowing us to partner with you in shepherding the heart of your child. Our goal at PCA is teach your son/daughter about Christ, to minister HIS glorious gospel to them, and to teach them HOW to think critically. We also encourage every student to work hard and to have what we call, GRIT, which is to have resolve in every area of life. We believe that the above mention characteristics will help your son/daughter live a full and prosperous life for the glory of God our Father. Again, thank you. Hid in HIM, Mrs. Thibeaux "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding" Prov. 9:10

Philadelphia Christian Academy

200 W. Willow St.

Lafayette, LA 70501

Phone: 337-453-0122

Email: pcalafayette@gmail.com